To enable online repeat prescription requests you need to sign up for the NHS App -
To use the app you must be aged 13 and over and registered with a GP surgery in England.
For patients with a PC or laptop please go to:
For patients with a 'smart' mobile phone, tablet or PC download the NHS App; this is available for both android phones and iphones.
You will need to log in and self-validate.
Once your account is active, contact the reception team (by phone any day after 10am) and they will activate your account
In addition to ordering prescriptions, you will also be able to see test results, immunisations and consultations, get health advice, find your NHS number and register your organ donation decision.
Repeat Prescriptions
You may request repeat prescription(s) by:
Submitting the completed right-hand side of your prescription, or by letter including your name + date of birth with a clear list of the medications you need.
Either of these paper submissions can be sent by post or popped in the prescription box, or letter box when we are closed.
Alternatively you can request your medication via the eConsult portal, a link to this is on the home page of our website.
The easiest way to request repeat medication is to request it via Online services -
#Patient Access (only for those patients already registered with Patient
#NHS App - a new way to access your records and request medication (see our home page re: downloading the app).
If you cannot see a medication online that you take regularly, it may not be available on repeat - please submit a request via the eConsult portal, explaining why you need it.
For safety reasons we NEVER take prescription requests over the phone.
Prescription requests normally take 2 working days to process & up to, but no more than, 72 hours. It is advisable not to leave requests until you run out. The pharmacy will then need a further 3 working days to process your prescription.
Please note: You may be asked to see a doctor or nurse before your repeat request can be processed if your medication needs to be reviewed, to ensure that you continue to receive the most appropriate treatment.

Over The Counter Medication (OTC)
In accordance with national guidance, which was changed following a review and consultation, we no longer prescribe any medications that can be purchased from pharmacies and supermarkets. We require patients to self medicate with the wide range of medicines and preparations available in pharmacies and supermarkets.
This does include all antihistiamines for hayfever for anyone over 6 years old, pharmacies can offer advice and guidance, supermarkets offer a wide range that are competitively priced.
We will still continue to prescribe antihistiamines for patients with severe allergy and/or year round symptoms and for those patients on fexofenadine.
The decison was taken to relieve financial pressures on the NHS, and reduce the burden on general practice resources, at a time when it is under great pressure. The hope is this will help surgeries to concentrate their efforts on the patients who need the service most.
NHS Charges - from May 2024
Help with NHS costs
In England, around 90% of prescription items are dispensed free.
This includes exemptions from charging for those on low incomes, such as:
- those on specific benefits or through the NHS Low Income Scheme
- those who are age exempt
- those with certain medical conditions
- For more information please visit:
- or
Exemption certifcates for certain medical conditions, including pregnancy can be obtained from the surgery or your local pharmacy.
Pre-payment Certificate
Patients who are not entitled to free prescriptions may benefit from a prescription pre-payment certificate (PPC).
A PPC covers all your NHS prescriptions, including NHS dental prescriptions, no matter how many items you need.
There are 2 PPC options to choose from:
- The 3-month PPC costs £32.05 and will save you money if you need more than 3 prescribed items in 3 months.
- The 12-month PPC costs £114.50 and will save you money if you need more than 11 prescribed items in a year.
How much can I save?
If you need:
- 2 items each month – you can save £123.10 with a 12-month PPC
- 3 items each month – you can save £241.90 with a 12-month PPC
- 4 items each month – you can save £360.70 with a 12-month PPC
To apply:
Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030
For more information and to apply on line, visit:
NEW - HRT Annual Pre Payment Certificate
This costs £19.80 and will save you money if you require more than 2 prescribed items in 12 months
Important Information Regarding Repeat Medication Requests
NHS Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group is responsible for buying healthcare services across the county and is naturally keen to ensure we all get the best value for money. With current financial pressures on the NHS, one of the recommended steps was to limit the automatic ordering of repeat medications by pharmacists and medical equipment suppliers, so that patients order their own medications themselves. We believe that patients and their carers are best placed to know exactly what and when repeat medication is needed.
What this means
This means that from 1 August 2018, we are asking you to order repeat medications and equipment (e.g. catheter and stoma bags and accessories) from your GP practice directly, rather than from your pharmacy, or medical equipment supplier. Please note this affects the ordering part of the process only, patients can continue to have their medication delivered to their home by their pharmacy where these arrangements exist.
- Patients who are housebound who cannot order on line, or do not have a carer or representative that can order on their behalf
- Patients using a Monitored Dosage System
- Patients who have a learning disability who do not have a carer or representative who can order on their behalf
- Patients who have dementia who do not have a carer or representative who can order on their behalf
GPs, practice staff and community pharmacists, will make a note on the patient record that the community pharmacist is continuing to order medication for these patients.
What you need to do:
Please make sure you get the repeat prescription request slip from your pharmacy each time your medicines are dispensed. The repeat prescription request slip is the right hand, tear-off part of your prescription.
Re-order your prescriptions when there is around 10 days’ supply of medicines remaining. This will give enough time for the GP to review your medical record and authorise the request and the pharmacy to process and issue the prescription. We need a minimum of two working days.
Please only order the amount of medication you need. When you collect your medication please check the order before you leave the pharmacy. Any medicines returned after you have left the pharmacy cannot be reused or recycled.
If you, a member of your family, or someone you care for needs help ordering their medications, please speak to either your local pharmacist or GP practice who will be able to offer you support.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support with this initiative which we believe will benefit the whole community.
Further information is available at or you can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service on 0800 328 5640 or
Private Prescriptions
Many of our patients pay to seek the advice and treatment from a private GP or consultant, these services can offer speedier access or appointment times that fit around a busy working schedule.
However, please be aware that the cost of a private prescription is met wholly by the patient and is dictated by the cost of the medicine plus the pharmacists charge for supplying it.
A prescription is a legal document for which the doctor, who has issued and signed it, is responsible for.
Therefore, a NHS doctor cannot convert a private prescription to an NHS prescription. A doctor you see privately can't issue an NHS prescription.