New Patients
Register as a New Patient
Registration forms are now available online, please visit:
You can either complete this online, or download a paper copy, complete it and return it to the surgery.
Online registration forms will be held for 10 days, awaiting your attendance at the surgery to provide additional information and collect your registration pack.
When registering a patient, we validate your ID and residential address. This ensures we match the correct patient to the 'NHS National Spine'
Each application is dealt with on an individual basis and discretion is used by the management team should any of the documents below not be available.
Children (0-16yrs)
- Birth certificate (Only Full birth certificate naming parent/parents)
- Birth certificate
- Current full signed passport
- Current UK photocard driving licence (full or provisional)
- Current UK driving licence – old paper style (full)
- Current EEA Member state ID card
- Current Residence Permit
- Benefit/Pensions notification letter
- Official tax notification from HMRC – less than 12 months old, such as:
PAYE coding notice;
HMRC tax assessment;
HMRC statement of account;
HMRC notification of working family tax credit;
HMRC notification of children’s tax credit;
HMRC notification of disabled person’s tax credit.
Benefit/Pensions notification letter
- Recent utility bill, such as: gas, electric or land line phone – less than 3 months old.
- Recent Bank/Building society/Mortgage statement – less than 3 months old.
- Current Council Tax Bill – less than 12 months old.
- Housing Association rent bill/book or tenancy agreement – less than 12 months old.
- Official tax notification from Inland Revenue – less than 12 months old, such as:
PAYE coding notice;
HMRC tax assessment;
HMRC statement of account;
HMRC notification of working family tax credit;
HMRC notification of children’s tax credit;
HMRC notification of disabled person’s tax credit.
Please note: the same document cannot be used to confirm both identity and residency.
It normally takes 3-5 days to get you registered, so please ensure you have enough medication from your current GP, before you submit your registration request.
Please visit the reception desk which is open between 10:30 and 12:30 or 15:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday, to submit your additonal documents and information, and collect a registration pack for your household.
You will be registered with a partner of the surgery. However, you can at any time express a preference for a specific clinician & we will always try to respect your choice.

Temporary Patient Registrations
If you are ill while away from home patients are asked to contact their registered GP in the first instance as they hold their medical records, and can undertake a consultation by phone.
Surgeries are using online portals, apps and websites for patients to communicate in; and are able to send a prescription to any pharmacy in England.
If you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice. You will need to register as a temporary patient.
If you are visiting Wales, Scotland or Northen Ireland you will need to register at a local surgery as prescriptions cannot be issued outside of England.
If you are outside the UK, you should visit a pharmacy or contact your travel insurance company for advice and guidance.
Practice Boundary
Practice Boundary (Written Description)
Every practice is required to have a boundary (similar to a school catchment area) that defines the area that they are contractually bound to provide services for the population of.
Our boundary follows the following roads:
From Amersham School, down Stanley Hill to the A355, turning right at Station Road, up to Amersham Station. Following the railway tracks until just before the Chesham Bois Tennis & Squash Club, heading north until it meets with Copperkins Lane, continuing north up Bois Lane. Then along the Amersham Road, turning left into South Road, then left again down Sycamore Road, until it reaches Grimsdell's Lane. From the end of Grimsdell's Lane across country to the north of Beechwood Avenue and on to Stony Lane. Then heading south down Stony Lane, Church Grove, Lodge Lane and Roughwood Lane until it meets the A413 Amersham Road. Then north up Amersham Road, turning right into Cokes Lane until it meets Harewood Road, then left across country to Amersham School.
Accountable GP
Every patient is assigned to a GP partner, this is known as an accountable GP.
You do not have to see your accountable GP for any element of your care, you have the right to express a preference of which GP in the practice you see, for appointments, however this may lead to a longer wait time due to demand and holiday leave. We will advise you at the time of booking your appointment should this arise, so you are able to make an informed decision to change to another GP.
Proxy Access
If a patient is unable to manage their health needs, they can appoint a proxy to access their medical records to view consultaions and medications, request repeat medications, etc on the patients behalf.
A proxy user can be:
a parent, guardian or carer for a child up to 12 years of age who has complex medical needs.
a spouse, carer, friend or family member that supports a patient (aged 13 or more) to manage their health needs.
To apply for proxy access, please attend reception during opening hours Monday to Friday 10.30 to 12.30 and 3.00 to 5.00 to ask for the appropriate application form.
Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by the patients registered GP and authorised as deemed appropriate.
Non-English Speakers
These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.
Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.
Open the leaflets in one of the following languages:
Disabled Patient Facilities
- The surgery is easily accessible by wheelchair users and those with impaired mobility.
- All consultation rooms are on the ground floor with "no step" access.
- An accessible toilet is provided to the left of reception as you enter the building.
Should you experience any difficulties accessing the building or our services, please contact us so that we may make alternative arrangements.